Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Wonderstruck Wednesday Challenge

Today, Margaret Feinberg challenged us to jot down 25 ways we've seen God's wonder in our life.  So, here goes:

  1. My birth - I should have died, but God breathed His life into me.
  2. My salvation - I accepted Christ at the age of 3 and was baptised at the age of 6.
  3. My calling - God has placed me in my career.  He knew exactly what I was suited for and steered me in that direction.
  4. My work with special needs kids - If I had never gone to work at Camp Hope, I never would have found my love for students with special needs.
  5. My education - my entire Master's (except my first and last class) was paid for because if  being in the "right place at the right time"
  6. My current location - of all the places in the world that I could be, God pulled my heart strings and brought me here.  I was so sure that this was where I was to be, that I didn't even question it.
  7. My current job - when I came to the end of my rope and gave up on teaching, without so much as breathing a word to anyone, I was offered my current position and it has turned out to be the best thing ever.
  8. The opportunity to go to Space Camp (several years ago) - this was a life long dream of mine and it was awesome that I got to attend this free week long experience.
  9. The night sky - I know, the challenge was to tell how God has worked in my life, but the truth is - every time I look up at the night sky, I can't help but be wonderstruck at the awesome Glory of God the Father and His amazing love for me.
  10. The Active, Living Word of God - recently I have found myself wonderstruck at the ways that God has been speaking to me through His Word.
  11. The Sacred Echos in my life - the Biblical truths that God keeps showing me over and over, in my quiet time, in Bible Study, in Church Service, in Sunday School, in conversations ith others, and even on TV.
  12. The ways God chooses to use me - just today I had a conversation with a friend and I spoke openly about a subject, only to have my friend say....I'm so glad to hear you say it that way.  I knew at that moment it was God speaking through me and not my own words.
I know this is only half the list.  I will write the other half tomorrow as it's past my bedtime.  Good Night.  Blessings and Sweet Dreams.


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